Describing the right location of an accident or an emergency is crucial, but not always easy. Use iCarMode shortcut to what3words app.

what3words is an easy way to communicate any precise location. Every 3m square in the world has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address.

Three words that could save your life:
British Police Forces and other UK Emergency Services roll out what3words location technology in a revolutionary move to improve response times
- what3words has divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and given each square a unique 3 word address. For example, /// will take you to the top of Parliament Hill, Hampstead Heath, London
- Responders around the country are now using the system to respond to incidents more effectively
- Police Force call-handlers are able to send an SMS that contains a link to the what3words browser map site, where they can see their location and read the corresponding 3 word address. Help will be dispatched to that precise location
- The system already used effectively to locate a hostage who didn’t know where they were, respond to rural road accidents and find a lost child
Successful Pilot
After successful piloting in early 2019 with a handful of forces, today over 70 Emergency Services including police, ambulance, air ambulance, fire & rescue, coastguards and the British Transport Police have rolled out what3words to respond to incidents more effectively. Using 3 word addresses gives callers a simple way to describe precisely where help is needed and allow these forces to get resources straight to the scene.

App compatibility
The app is free to download for both iOS and Android, or by browser, and works offline – making it ideal for use in areas with an unreliable data connection. The 3 word address format is also consistent anywhere in the world, and available in more than 45 languages.

Now, in an emergency where a location is difficult to describe, callers are able to give their 3 word address from the what3words app. In the case of Police Forces, call-handlers are also able to send an SMS that contains a link to the what3words browser map site, where they can see their location and read the corresponding 3 word address.

See w3w short video explainer:
Use iCarMode shortcut to what3words app.

Add "What 3 Words" to your iCarMode - Today.
Download iCarMode from the AppStore:

Download "What 3 Words" from the AppStore - here.
Want to know how to add set your iCarMode shortcuts? Read all about it here.
Want to read how to use w3w - here's a short manual.